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5 tips to get better Photos of you.

Are you the type of person to do a lot of research pre-event? Think ahead and be prepared for various circumstances? I am one of those people, so I like to provide some tips for my clients to prep for their photoshoot with me. This is obviously OPTIONAL, it’s one of those things where the more you know the better. It can only help, right? I mean as long as you’re not TOO in your head with being analytical, its a balance. So let’s get into the TIPS!....

1. LIGHTING IS EVERYTHING. Oyyyyyy we can’t always control it, but some of the best lighting from indoors is next to a BIG window. If outside, I prefer the SUN to be BEHIND the subject, giving some really nice backlight. This is a tip if you’re taking your own photos, obviously if you’re getting photographed by a professional - don’t worry about this step/tip. 

2. BREATH!!! Sounds simple right, but when we get nervous, stressed, we tend to hold our breath and get uptight. This all translates into the photograph (believe it or not) I mean, think of it this way.... The way you feel shows just like when you’re sad, it shows to people. People can sense it just from your body language alone! So remember to breath and slow meditative breaths are ideal. :) 

3. SMILE :) !!! Don't you hate when people tell you to do this? Well.... Even a fake smile or laugh will automatically make you feel happier so that will reflect in the photo. Think of something amazing . Maybe you're a into dark chocolate with almonds, think about the glorious taste. Lol.

4. Body language - Do the POWER POSE - it will make you more impactful with your presence. I learned this via TedTalks youtube which I’ll link here for you. It’s well worth your time to watch. 5. HYDRATE! Stay nice and Hydrated before and during session! It makes your skin look more plump and dewy! Plus is good for you and your energy.

I have a lot more, let me know if you’re interested in me posting more about this topic? Any suggestions and or questions are welcomed. :-)

Have a beautiful day!

Heather Graves Photography

Book now, before another precious moment passes!

We help Families capture the perfect moment that they can cherish for a lifetime.

(Photo of Juliet, taken by me Heather Graves Photography)

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